Monday, December 31, 2012

Breakfast with Bill and Ted

Here’s a little story about enjoying the simple things in life.
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure

My graduate school career didn’t begin quite as planned. I didn’t even decide to go until two weeks before classes started and this meant finding a place to live and moving to Worcester, MA in just a few days.

When I arrived to move in with the two guys I found on the housing bulletin board I was greeted by, no one.  
 It seemed like the apartment was vacant and I couldn’t find either of my new roommates. Finally, after waiting several hours with my life packed into my Ford Explorer, one of the guys showed up, let me in and gave me a key. He then proceeded to tell me that just a few days ago, the second roommate pulled a knife on him, while he was sleeping! That’s right, roommate #1 woke up, in the middle of the night, to find roommate #2 standing over him with a knife!

Are you kidding me? Well, I did move in since I was told the psycho had been arrested but roommate #1 was “bugging out”. I spent two nights there and on day three I packed the few items I had unpacked and moved to my second residence. Once again, I found a place to share with a young working woman. It was a 2BR townhouse and well, I’ll be honest, the girl was HOT!

The first couple of weeks were ok and it seemed like we were both making attempts to be friends and get to know each other. No, nothing like “that” but I’d be lying if I said it didn’t cross my mind. Luckily, I knew where to draw the line and the fact that she was bringing home different guys a few nights a week made me want to run the other way.

One night she sent a guy home after having way too much to drink and proceeded to confess all her dirty laundry to me.
Well, life in the townhouse was never the same and after a total of two months, I moved out without telling her. I just left the key on the kitchen table. She then proceeded to leave perverse messages on relatives' answering machines whose number she got from the phone bill I ran up.

Finally, I found a 3rd floor apartment a few miles from campus and where a classmate of mine was living in the garage - converted into a sweet 1BR house. I had my own space and a good friend nearby so life for the next year and half was pretty uneventful. (I did, however, wake up to gunfire on 3 occasions.)

Bill, Ted and Rufus

What began as a way to avoid my crazy, hot, female roommate soon turned into the tradition we called "Breakfast with Bill and Ted". It was my friend Chris who lived in the garage and the year was 1991. I’d leave the townhouse at far too early for a Saturday morning but happily pick-up a dozen Dunkin Donuts and coffee and head to Chris’s. There, we’d spend the rest of the morning eating sugar, drinking caffeine and “air guitaring” with Bill S. Preston, Esquire & Ted "Theodore" Logan while repeating “69 dude!” and “Wild Stallions Rule!”

Bill and Ted air guitar "69"

 Wild Stallions

I mean, how can you not like this classic with characters like Bob “Genghis” Kahn and Siggy? Do you remember that Bill’s step-mom was a senior when they were just sophomores? How about when Ted asked Bill’s step-mom to the prom? And poor little Napoleon kept getting ditched at the water park.

It just doesn’t get any better than Breakfast with Bill and Ted. It was truly excellent and exactly what I needed during some not-so-good times in Worcester, MA. This regular break from reality would happened over the next 14 months until graduation. Yup, you may even say the simplicity that is Bill & Ted got me through graduate school and oh, don’t forget to “Listen to this dude Rufus, he knows what he’s talking about.

My main man Rufus

Here's the full-length movie if you're dying to see it now.

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